He produced 30,000+ radio shows over his 70-year career, saying his voice actors “love to come in, bite off a chunk of drama, make those characters live.”
Source: Rondberg, Gary. "Sound man: His mystery theater is booming—on radio, yet.” The Philadelphia Inquirer. Sept 20, 1979. P. 35 (Via Newspapers.com)

Did you know he... Owned the patent on the Inner Sanctum’s creaking door sound
Source: Hinkley, David. "Well-chosen words, from a radio pioneer". (New York) Daily News. May 28, 2003. P. 40. (Via Newspapers.com)
AND… the NBC’s triple chime sound
Source: Greppi, Michele. "Radio Pioneer Honored With New UGA Facility". Atlanta Constitution. Oct 13, 1988. P. 8E. (Via Newspapers.com)

...Earned a law degree but never practiced
Source: Epstein, Pancho. “This guy was behind the creaking door”. The Santa Fe New Mexican, Nov 8, 1991. P. 16. (Via Newspapers.com)
...Played violin in a jazz band at 17
Source: Albelli, Alfred. “Wife Calls TV Guy a Love-Match Announcer”. (New York) Daily News. Oct 10, 1967. P. 4. (Via Newspapers.com)

...Moved CBSRMT’s production from NYC to Hollywood for 2 weeks in 1973 to hire LA actors whose other commitments prevented them from traveling.
Source: Broadcasting Magazine. July 22, 1974. P. 29. (Via worldradiohistory.com)
...Recorded CBSRMT on the 6th floor of the old CBS Radio Annex on East 52nd St. (He owned a TV studio on W. 26th St. and leased it out for the production of various shows.)
Source: Payton, Gordon and Grams, Jr., Martin. The CBS Radio Mystery Theater: An Episode Guide and Handbook to Nine Years of Broadcasting, 1974–1982. Kindle edition. P. 5.

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