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Born Carlotta Mercedes Agnes McCambridge in Joliet, Ill. She acted in 25 episodes from 1975 to 1982.

“In radio you have to be a tiger or you don’t last,” she once said of a CBSRMT recording session. “It’s a 1 hour show that calls for a degree of concentration and creativity.”

Source: McCambridge, Mercedes. “The Quality of Mercy, An Autobiography”. Times Books. 1981. PP. 69-70. (Via


Did you know she… Credited CBSRMT writer Elspeth Eric with pushing her to try out for All the King’s Men, for which she won an Oscar in 1949

Source: McCambridge, Mercedes. “The Quality of Mercy, An Autobiography”. Times Books. 1981. PP. 127-133.

…Served as president & CEO of the Livengrin Foundation treatment center from 1977 until 1982—the year the Betty Ford Center opened


Source: Women and Leadership Archives, Loyola University, Mercedes McCambridge Papers, biographical history. 


“Starting in 1974, she served as the president of Livengren Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Philadelphia. Because of her dedication to the cause of eradicating alcoholism, she received numerous awards and was honored at the White House for her humanitarian work.”


…Once wrote “Truman Capote told me I was the only good thing in The Exorcist. It made me happy because it was pure radio—and radio is still the best!”

Source: McCambridge, Mercedes. “The Quality of Mercy, An Autobiography”. Times Books. 1981. P. 95. (Via

A famous feud?

McCambridge and Joan Crawford teamed up for the 1954 film Johnny Guitar, but the press quickly zeroed in on an alleged dislike each had for the other, culminating in an altercation that landed McCambridge in the hospital. “Everyone was afraid of her,” she said.

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