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It's a Mystery (Logo).

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

One of my recent projects is to start archiving materials from the CBS Radio Mystery Theater (CBSRMT). This is going to go hand-in-hand with my trading cards project. My goal originally was just to find unique information on each person I chose for the back of the trading cards, but I've found a treasure trove of old newspaper articles, radio magazine stories and interviews, some awesome home-grown 'zines, etc. so I am creating a visual archive with everything I find and set it up as an additional resource for anyone that buys the trading cards... or just loves the CBSRMT! My intention is to credit anyone I gather information from as well, with links and attribution. There are so many amazing old time radio lovers out there. On to the logo designs:

I was inspired by the iconic and impactful CBSRMT black cat logo (see below). I didn't want to make the site logo too much like the original, just enough of an homage, but with type and touches that make it my own. The logo on the left is the large version, to be used on the main page of the site, the one on the right is an icon-style logo to be used in smaller spaces, or on any collateral materials, such as t-shirts, etc.

Here is the original CBSRMT cat shown here in an advertisement for the show.


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